Hello everyone ***waves wildly*** my apologies for being so absent from the blog. I am excited to share with everyone that Shop Cats of New York is on its third printing and was recently translated to Japanese ! A HUGE thank you to for your support, and if you haven’t gotten a copy yet there’s always today! It’s been a while since I’ve written about having an aesthetically pleasing home (with cats) . I’ve long said I want my home to be comfortable for me and my cats, while having it scream “Welcome to Casa Cat” as guests walk through the door. Sadly, my attempts to teach Kip to use a scratching post in place of my furniture failed miserably. I was, however, successful in teaching him to use scratching post to signal his desire for a treat (insert eye roll emoji here). Kip’s handiwork (or is it claw work?) Needless to say, throws have become a huge decorating accessory in my home since I would never ever consider declawing! (I recently learned w...